The Governor's Program for Gifted Children

GPGC 2024 | JUNE 9 – JULY 20

Weekly Reports – Afternoon Classes, Week Four

Here are some reports from the teachers of each of our afternoon classes for the last week in the Program. We have organized them by class:

Choir (Ms. Colette Tanner, Instructor)

The choir is continuing to learn their concert literature. Parts are known on almost all of the songs and we are beginning to shape the songs musically. We are now taking rhythmic dictation and adding in pitches with syllables. Soon, we will begin taking both rhythmic and melodic dictation on the staff. Students should have completed their MUSIC THEORY & APPRECIATION review by Friday. Their final projects are due on July 13. For these projects, the students are choosing a piece from our concert literature, researching the composer/time period and presenting the song, composer or time period in a creative way.


Computer Tech (Barry Humphus, Instructor)

Students started the week by building their first Arduino program. They followed by constructing a simple circuit and used that to program the circuit. The followon was to increase the complexity of the circuit with additional programming.


Debate (Ms. Jessica Markstrom, Instructor)

This week we finished discussions of off-case policy positions. The students learned how to structure value debates and fact debates. We discussed the requirements of each speech in a debate. Students began debating on Thursday and will continue to debate each other for the remainder of the class.


Critical Thinking (Mr. Robert Markstrom, Instructor)

This week was Lego week in Critical Thinking. The first activity involved memory, teamwork, allocation of roles, and communication. The teams were to replicate a model, but only one team member could see the model and that member could not build with the Legos. The second activity was a relay race that required students to solve problems utilizing communication. Two legs of the race involved one student being blindfolded and required the other student to communicate (one leg verbally and the other Leg non-verbally) how to build the structure. The third activity tested the students’ ability to build sound structures. Each team built a bridge. The bridge had to meet width and height requirements. Up to three, two and a half pound weights were used to test the structure. The last Lego activity allowed the students to be creative. Each team was to build anything they desired around a theme and at the end of the hour the team would give a presentation on their structures and their theme. On Friday students played games.




One of the best parts of the program

for me was, for once, it allowed me to be one of the "normal" kids, instead of the "brainiac" nerd. I cherish that gift.

– George A., Alumnus