The Governor's Program for Gifted Children

GPGC 2025 | JUNE 8 – JULY 26

Fine Arts

Nurturing the Soul

The GPGC Fine Arts curriculum serves two broad purposes. First, by exposing students to the creation of artistic works ranging from symphonies and concerts to plays and sculpture, GPGC seeks to develop their aesthetic sense. Second, many of the courses offer students performance and exposure opportunities that are unavailable in their home schools.

Art classes have always been included in the curriculum of GPGC. Students have the opportunity to learn artistic techniques and practice these for specific projects such as the annual Miles to Go cover design, art in the Thinker newspaper, and t-shirt designs. Students can also participate in Stage Tech, preparing the sets and props for the annual full-scale, professionally staged Musical and Drama productions.

Fine and performing arts courses are electives for academic students, with participation in some classes restricted to invitation after audition. ALL first-year students are required to audition for chorus and to take the class if their audition is satisfactory. Private lessons are also available on a contract basis for all academic students who play an instrument, and are required for students on a music track.

One of the best parts of the program

for me was, for once, it allowed me to be one of the "normal" kids, instead of the "brainiac" nerd. I cherish that gift.

– George A., Alumnus