Students are allowed to be outside the dormitory and off-campus when they are not in class, but they must strictly adhere to our sign-out procedures that enable the staff to locate a student within 10 minutes. Students also have a curfew of 8 PM (8:30 for older students), and are not allowed out of the dorm alone.
Of course, students may go home with their parents any weekend they choose (except for Freshmen, who must remain on campus at least the first weekend of the session), but those who leave are liable to miss out on a lot of fun!
The counseling staff plans all weekend activities, which usually include movies, dances, skating, bowling, swimming, outings around town, a trip to the Lake Charles Symphony Pops Concert, the “Giftie Olympics,” and the Bilbo Baggins’ Birthday Party celebration. Transportation is also provided to any GPGC student who wishes to attend religious services.